New Business Director at Blitzworks Endorses Global Diversity
Sadia Siddiqui came on board at strategic and creative consultancy firm Blitzworks in June 2021 as a Business Director. For Siddiqui, the business’s key strength is its global aspect; with no fixed office, it has the flexibility and adaptability to be on the ground at whatever location its services are required.
Blitzworks founders Marcus Brown, Ajab Samrai and John Pallant were keen from the start to enlist creative talent from all around the world; to this end, award-winning creatives located across the globe are regularly invited to pitch ideas, which are then reviewed and offered to the potential client.
Siddiqui explains that this approach not only promotes diversity of thought and approach, but also enables clients to be offered solutions at extraordinary speed. Working with the client, a number of these generated ideas are then developed across different creative platforms in order to find the most suitable approach.
Marcus Brown, Blitzworks’ Global Chief Executive Officer, explains that delivering first-class innovative creative platforms to clients is the cornerstone of the company’s work, and the most enjoyable part of his role. Please see the embedded PDF for more information about Blitzworks’ founders.
The Effects of COVID-19 on Working
For Siddiqui, the effects of the pandemic in terms of the shift to homeworking have been vast, and she cites Blitzworks’ structure and ethos as being significantly ahead of its time in terms of its endorsement of off-site, flexible working. The new Business Director reflected recently that COVID-19 has largely (and probably permanently) disrupted the previously standard five day, 9am-5pm office week.
New Policies to Promote Diversity
Siddiqui speaks eloquently about the impact of the murder of George Floyd, and the subsequent emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement. In Siddiqui’s view, although it was shocking that it took the widely publicised murder of Floyd for important discussions about racial and ethnic disparity to take place, she is hopeful for the future, and points to the recent development of new policies and initiatives as a promising sign.
Creativity Without Geographical Constraints
By working with clients on projects all over the world, and connecting with creative talent across the globe, Siddiqui posits that geography doesn’t need to be a barrier to creative endeavour and excellence anymore.
Her belief that creativity and diversity are beautifully and intrinsically linked is endorsed in Blitzworks’ aim to provide the highest standard of strategic and creative solutions by harnessing the skills of professionals worldwide.